Sunday, April 24, 2011

Area Man Creates Blog; Will Likely Lose Interest Within Week

So I am bored tonight, and while there are certainly more productive things I could be doing, I simply don't feel like doing them. It probably wouldn't hurt if I did some reading from my managerial accounting textbook, but that seems about as appealing at the moment as tackling those dishes in the sink or scooping out the litterbox. I'm firmly planted on the couch with the Simpsons Movie on as background noise (competing with a snoring basset hound), and I've surfed the heck out of the internet and am tired of refreshing the same few usual sites hoping for any updates or changes. The thought occured to me that I could take a stab at one of these blog things rather than endlessly refreshing the blogs of others. As the title indicates, I will likely lose interest within a week, and this will end up another abandoned blog in the Neglected Blog Nebula of cyberspace but that's fine with me. It doesn't cost me anything, it doesn't hurt anybody, no one will read it anyway (as I have no writing skills and nothing important to say) and at the moment it is far more amusing than scrubbing dishes (that have been in the sink so long I have forgotten what foodstuff  it is that I am scrubbing off of them), reading the same paragraph over and over in  my managerial accounting textbook with glazed eyes, or scooping the poop of 3 very busy and well-fed cats.

I think if I actually bother to continue this blog over any period of time, I will use it as kind of a journal for my random ramblings and musings. I have a "Twitter" now, and intended to use that for such a purpose, but 140 characters is too limiting for my wordiness and incoherence. This is more of an exercise in stream of consciousness writing just to occupy myself when others won't entertain me, to keep my mind off of the stresses of work and my part-time studies. I don't presume that I am so intelligent and humourous and my life is so fascinating that I will take the internet by storm and crash servers with people flocking to read my drivel and refreshing the screen hoping that I have updated. I don't anticipate any readership at all but if anyone happens to stumble upon this-Hello! Welcome to my world and my random thoughts.

I don't know if there will be any overall theme or purpose to this effort, assuming it continues for more than one or two posts. I am an avid, almost obsessive Saskatchewan Roughrider fan, and after a long miserable winter,the season is fast approaching. I am sure I will have thoughts and opinions on the on-field and off-field activities of the Green and White. I am a news and politics junky, and hold strong political beliefs that I may rant about from time to time. I also think I would enjoy reviewing products and services, so I may try my hand at that as the urge strikes.

Well, just like when you get a new cellphone and have to go through all of the ring tones (usually in a restaurant or other public place so everyone can enjoy it), since I am new to this I am going to quit writing and start playing with the format and such to see how this all works. I wonder if they still have things like hamsters dancing that I could add to this. That would be cool.