Monday, May 2, 2011

History Unfolding

As I predicted, it would seem I did in fact lose interest in this blog within a week. More like a day. But I am off work today because we will be getting the front window of our house fixed, so I have time on my hands.

 It was a pretty uneventful week, aside from gleefully watching support for Micheal Ignatieff and the Liberal Party dive almost as dramatically as gas prices seem to rise. Congratulations Iggy on taking your party to depths even Stephane Dion couldn't accomplish (not for lack of effort). I'm not sold on this whole "Orange Crush" phenomenon- polls are polls; I believe in the old cliche that the only poll that truly matters is the one that will occur today. It remains to be seen how much of this polling support for Jack (who I am surprised was not shown in the footage of the celebrations at the White House or Ground Zero, pulling someone's arm out of the way so his face wasn't obscured...or maybe he was busy getting a massage) will translate into actual votes and seats. It's easy to tell pollsters that you will vote for Layton, swept up in the emotion and excitement being driven by the media; it's another thing to actually show up and do so in the numbers he needs and have that popular support percentage be spread over the ridings in such a way as to actually win the seats.

Anyway, the week was mostly routine, and the weekend the same, until last night when I heard that Osama bin Laden was finally found and killed. It seems macabre and against my nature to celebrate or rejoice at the killing of a human being, but in this case I believe it is quite appropriate. It certainly doesn't signify the end of the "war on terror" but it is a huge victory, and I hope it brings some measure of comfort to those who lost loved ones in the attacks of 9/11, and to those who have been fighting towards this end in the 10 year campaign since. It's exciting to watch history unfold, especially when it is "good" news.

In other news, I'm excited to be planning a trip to Portland, Oregon in June. My wife was pressed by her boss for what her summer plans and vacation needs were, and that compelled us to think about planning something. We love travelling, and usually go to Banff, Jasper, or Kananaskis a few times a year because we are both absolutely in love with the mountains. This time we thought we would change it up a bit and drive down to Portland, Oregon to visit my biological father (it's a long story). I've been there before, and it is a beautiful city. My wife will appreciate the fibre arts scene and the knitting and weaving stores, I will appreciate the fantastic microbreweries, and we will both appreciate the spectacular mountain and ocean scenery. I love planning vacations, and researching hotels and attractions, and finding the best deals.It won't be cheap, but  I get a whole month's entertainment from that, along with the 10 days that we will take to actually make the trip, so no matter the cost I always feel that vacations are the best way to spend time and money. The Portland trip is also rescuing us from spending the May long weekend in Winnipeg, as we originally planned.  I shouldn't slam Winnipeg- I don't mind it, otherwise we wouldn't have planned to go there in the first place. We like the zoo there, and the Forks area, and the Old Spaghetti Factory, and there's an amazing German restaurant there with a Sunday buffet that can't be beat. But come on, it's still Winnipeg, it's infested with Blue Bomber fans,  and Portland is so much cooler.

The only bad thing is that we will be missing the first pre-season Rider game. I guess if you are going to miss a game, that's the one, but still- after months of counting down the days to training camp, to the first pre-season game, and to the season opener, it's going to be sad to have to wait that much longer to see the Riders take the field. We usually take in as many practices and camp days as we can, because I like to see how the new guys are shaping up, so once that gets going I will have to get my Rider fix that way.

Well I have probably rambled on long enough for today. Better get the house ready for the window people. Can't wait to get out and vote and I hope everyone appreciates their right and privelege to take part in democracy. I will be glued to CNN today watching the Osama bin Laden story, then transition into political nerd mode and watch the election unfold tonight.  It's a good day to be off work because with all of the news and trip planning and such, I would not be much good to anyone today anyway.

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