Friday, September 2, 2011

Hey Neat..this blog is still here!

Well whaddya know. My blog still exists, even though not even myself comes by to check on the poor thing or feed it or play with it or let it out to pee or whatever. It has been a decent summer, and thus tough to want to sit around talking to myself on a computer. But tonight, what the hey. I've enjoyed a nice wine and don't feel like going to bed yet. The wine, incidentally, was a 2009 Fat Bastard Shiraz from France. A few weeks ago I decided that I would try to learn a bit about wine and how to appreciate it. More importantly, how not to look like an idiot when I order wine at some of the restaurants I like to go to when we go on vacation. It seems like a grown up kind of hobby, and I'm nominally a grown up, so again what the hey. Every weekend since, my wife and I have been trying a different wine to see what we like and what we don't like. Tonight we tried a 2009 Fat Bastard Shiraz from France. It was actually pretty good. At first I found it a bit sour, but I discovered that as it sat out open a little longer (or as I had more of it in my system) it softened up and tasted quite nice-dry but not too dry, and pleasantly berry flavoured. At this point we choose wines primarily based on guesswork- (this one happened to have a funny name and a hippo on the label so it was a winner!) so it was a pleasant surprise. That's not completely true...we are starting to be able to differentiate between the varieties and are starting to know what we like and don't like So far we have tried  a Canadian Merlot (Jackson Triggs), a Chilean Shiraz (Gato Negro), an an Oregon Pinot Noir (Firesteed), an Australian shiraz (Yellowtail), an Australian cabernet (McWilliams) and a French Shiraz (the aforementioned Fat Bastard). I think we have discovered that Shiraz and Cabernet are our favourites, and Pinot Noir is our least favourite. We have a a few more varieties to try, and are open minded to trying some more within the varieties we have tried, but now the fun part is trying different wineries and countries to narrow down our taste and understand what we are buying or ordering. I may or may not (based on my awesome track record of dutifully maintaining this blog) review or comment on different wines here and pretend I know what I am talking about.It will become apparent to anyone who is in fact knowledgable about wine that I don't.

It's been a good summer. The trip to Portland was amazing as expected. The drive was incredibly long, but beautiful in places (once we passed through Great Falls, MT). Had an awesome visit with Eddie (the biological dad). He was quite busy with his various performances, but we really enjoyed following him around Portland and watching his shows. My wife and I both fell in love with Portland and the surrounding area (especially out towards the coast). We'd love to live out there, but it's so tough to emigrate even with my family ties. I couldn't believe how genuinely nice, friendly, and welcoming everyone out there was.

I was excited about the upcoming Rider season the last time I checked in here, and, well, that hasn't gone how I thought it would or how I wanted it to. I'm just doing a general stream of consciousness kind of rambling entry tonight, so I won't go too far on what I think is wrong with the team and whatnot, but I do think they made the right moves over the bye week- Marshall was not the man and Doug Berry calls screen plays on 2nd and 20 (and also that stupid hitch pass play to Dressler that has never worked and would have gotten him hurt sooner or later). I've never fallen off the bandwagon, and I refuse to ever. There's always hope in Riderville, and I think they can still turn things around and in the playoffs, anything can happen. So much talent on that team...they are so close...once they put it all together I really think they are unstoppable. Not that I am biased. I can't wait for the Labour Day Classic. The atmosphere surrounding the city and the game all weekend is so cool. I think the Riders are going to play their hearts out and get it done this Sunday- it's a whole new season.

Anyway, I'm really just rambling because I don't feel like going to bed and television at this hour (most hours actually) is terrible. I will write here again in a month or six lol.

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